The XSLTProcessor class
(PHP 5, PHP 7)
XSLTProcessor {
/* 方法 */
属性/方法 列表
- XSLTProcessor::__construct — Creates a new XSLTProcessor object
- XSLTProcessor::getParameter — Get value of a parameter
- XSLTProcessor::getSecurityPrefs — Get security preferences
- XSLTProcessor::hasExsltSupport — Determine if PHP has EXSLT support
- XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet — Import stylesheet
- XSLTProcessor::registerPHPFunctions — Enables the ability to use PHP functions as XSLT functions
- XSLTProcessor::removeParameter — Remove parameter
- XSLTProcessor::setParameter — Set value for a parameter
- XSLTProcessor::setProfiling — Sets profiling output file
- XSLTProcessor::setSecurityPrefs — Set security preferences
- XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc — Transform to a DOMDocument
- XSLTProcessor::transformToUri — Transform to URI
- XSLTProcessor::transformToXml — Transform to XML
It requires PHP5 XSL extension. On linux:
sudo apt-get install php5-xsl
uncomment extension=php_xsl.dll on windows to activate it in your php.ini. Then restart your webserver to refresh php.
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